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AmoyDx Signs Agreement with AstraZeneca to Cooperate in Cancer Diagnosis in China

Xiamen, China, 8 July, 2020– Amoy Diagnostics Co., Ltd. (AmoyDx, SZSE: 300685) announced that recently it signed an agreement with AstraZeneca to work together closely for the molecular diagnosis of patients with cancer.

Since 2010, AmoyDx and AstraZeneca worked together and greatly promoted biomarker molecular testing in China and helped millions of lung cancer patients benefit from precision medicines. With the implementation of the agreement both companies will comprehensively improve the level of genetic testing in terms of speed, scope of the testing, and accuracy, bringing higher quality of life to various cancer patients.

Particularly, in breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and prostate cancer patients, AmoyDx and AstraZeneca will start the strategic cooperation of BRCA testing with the AmoyDx® BRCA1 and BRCA2 Gene Mutation Detection Kit.

“We are excited about this strategic collaboration with AstraZeneca in the field of cancers diagnosis.” said Li-Mou Zheng, Ph.D., Founder and CEO of AmoyDx. “We are looking forward to maintaining a close and long-term cooperation with AstraZeneca. It would create a new era in the molecular diagnosis of cancer and provide benefit to more patients.”


AmoyDx Collaborates with Amgen to Develop Companion Diagnostics for China Market


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