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AmoyDx Lung Cancer PCR Panel accepted into LC-SCRUM as Screening Test for Pharma Clinical Trials in Japan

Japan National Cancer Center (NCC) has launched clinical screening with the AmoyDx Lung Cancer PCR panel, a rapid and cost-efficient real-time PCR test in Phase III LC-SCRUM-Asia. AmoyDx Lung Cancer PCR Panel can perform highly sensitive analysis for 9 lung cancer actionable target genes with clear clinical values in a short time, and allow participating facilities to report the testing results of various driver genes to LC-SCRUM-Asia within 3~4 days after specimen collection.

“LC-SCRUM strives to provide fast, accurate and sensitive molecular diagnostics that can enable quick and efficient diagnosis from genomic screening on a regional scale and accelerate the development of precision cancer therapies. AmoyDx Lung Cancer PCR Panel (9-in-1 assay) fulfills that exact need for rapid and reliable genomic analysis to help doctors decide personalized cancer solutions for patients,” said Dr. Koichi Goto, leader of LC-SCRUM Asia.

“We are extremely excited to announce this collaboration with LC-SCRUM Asia. At AmoyDx, we have been developing highly effective diagnostic solutions to guide treatment decision of clinical precision oncology, from single target detection to multi-target detection to meet increasing clinical needs. While AmoyDx is the only company in China with more than one NMPA approved NGS panel on the market, we have continued to invest heavily in developing our PCR assay technologies because we recognize patients and physicians needs’ for a reliable, easy-to-interpret, locally-run, multi-gene test. The AmoyDx 9-in1 is a culmination of those efforts.” said Dr. Li-mou Zheng, Founder and CEO of Amoy Diagnostics Co. Ltd.

LC-SCRUM-Japan is a genomic screening project conducted by the NCC in cooperation with over 200 medical institutions and pharmaceutical manufacturers across Japan. The organization has performed screening of target genes in lung cancer patients continuously since 2013 and has enrolled over 7,000 patients as of the end of January 2019. In March 2019, LC-SCRUM-Japan became LC-SCRUM-Asia and initiated the collaboration with Chang Gung Memorial Hospital(CGMH, Taiwan, China) and expanded the groundbreaking genomic project to other Asian countries and regions. Additional information is available at

About AmoyDx
Amoy Diagnostics Co., Ltd. (AmoyDx) is the pioneer and globally leading company in the field of molecular diagnostics for precision oncology, focusing at companion diagnostics product development and commercialization. A rich product portfolio has been established with more than twenty of products approved by China NMPA, EU authority, Japan PMDA, South Korea MFDS, etc. Patients in more than 50 countries are benefiting from AmoyDx products. With multiple technological platforms and full capability of companion diagnostics product development and commercialization, AmoyDx has become important diagnostics partner of many pharmaceutical companies over the globe. For more information, please visit



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